Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tests To Get Into Ucr


Ilva di Taranto, foto di Grazia Benedetti, primo premio del Concorso fotografico ACP 'Pasquale Causa', edizione 2008
Ilva di Taranto (dettaglio)

1° Premio del Concorso Fotografico  ACP Pasquale Causa del 2008

© Grazia Benedetti
Sono passati quasi sei mesi dall'approvazione del Decreto  Legge n. 155 del 13/8/2010 con cui il Governo ha
 posticipato al 31 dicembre 2012 il divieto di superamento del livello threshold for benzo (a) pyrene. The decree frees companies from the obligation to reduce pollutant emissions in excess of benzo (a) pyrene which is a genotoxic agent cangerogeno. Which means that even for 2 years, Italian citizens will be exposed to the risk of exposure to high levels of this dangerous pollutant. This risk is more burdensome to the citizens and children of Taranto, where the seat of the largest steelworks in Europe (ILVA) according to the calculations of ARPA Puglia, would release 98% of benzo (a) pyrene in the Drums neighborhood near the plant.

PeaceLink launched a national campaign, which it joined the medical community that has brought to the attention of the government human costs due to exposure to benzo (a) pyrene. The campaign is supported by three important Italian associations of Pediatrics - Cultural Association of Paediatricians (ACP), Italian Society of Paediatrics (SIP), Italian Federation of Paediatricians Doctors - who signed an appeal to the Italian government for it to be changed - with the utmost urgency - the indefensible decision. They also joined the Italian Society of Aerosols, the ISDE Doctors for the Environment, the Italian Chemical Society.

Yesterday Annamaria Moschetti* , referente per la Puglia e Basilicata dell'ACP, ha relazionato per conto di Peacelink davanti alla Commissione bicamerale infanzia per la richiesta di modificare il decreto legislativo 155/2010.

Dottoressa Moschetti cosa è emerso dall'incontro? Buone nuove per i bambini di Taranto, e non solo?

Purtroppo erano presenti solo sei tra deputati e senatori e, purtroppo, c'erano solo due rappresentanti della maggioranza di Governo che però hanno lasciato ben presto l'incontro. This certainly has not allowed a wide discussion with the various political forces, such as the importance of this would take and how we hope to do. We believe that efforts to guarantee the right to life and health of citizens - especially children - to see all political forces committed in peaceful cooperation and constructive partnership. Pediatricians urge to be able to cooperate with the world of politics. They want to be able to provide their expertise and their experience. The world of politics must be able to accept this proposal with increased attention and sensitivity.

attendees were presented the health emergency caused by a high and uncontrolled release into the environment and the people of this dangerous pollutant, accounting in particular the situation of people living near the steel mills as it happens in Taranto and Trieste. The hearing was attended by representatives of environmental groups because of the two cities.

What are the risks of extending the threshold of some pollutants such as bezo (a) pyrene?

Benzo (a) pyrene is a carcinogen, is a genotoxic and neurotoxic. L'immissione in ambiente deve essere limitata quanto più possibile per evitare gli inevitabili e irreparabili danni che potrebbero conseguire ad una contaminazione ambientale. Le leggi devono puntare a questo obiettivo in maniera prioritaria.

Il pediatra come può contribuire al miglioramento dell’ambiente di vita dei cittadini, in particolare dei minori ai quali andrebbe garantita una protezione “rinforzata”?

I pediatri dovrebbero acquisire una conoscenza accurata della qualità dell'ambiente nel quale operano, sviluppare una maggiore competenza rispetto alle environment-related diseases, help create an awareness of the environment through constant work to inform and educate families, and create a plan to cooperate actively with the world of politics.

In an editorial on Medical and Child , Moschetti said that the "eyes of the pediatrician should rise from the microscope with which explores the causes closest Disease to watch the horizon of 'distal determinants of health'. The look, well, takes a political perspective. Why just checking the environmental changes can prevent the disease from pollution, which often rains of the wet layers of the society at risk, closing the vicious circle that sees population segments get progressively worse their social and economic .
* Annamaria Moschetti, pediatrician, contact person for Puglia and Basilicata Cultural Association Paediatricians (ACP).

Published February 2 thought


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