Sunday, February 6, 2011

Overheating Hyundia Elantra

fresh scent of spring?

Il tuo ammorbidente potrebbe nascondere una sorpresa tossica proprio nel fresco profumo primaverile...
 Ieri mi รจ ever heard an advertisement for a popular fabric softener that has the ability to retain its "fresh scent" for a week.
is strange that the manufacturer of this fabric softener publicize abundant and persistent scents as if they were healthy.
In fact, many ingredients in fabric softeners expose our bodies to harmful chemicals.
The powerful and persistent synthetic perfumes are there to cover the smell of chemical softeners.

Because of the law on "trade secret", companies need not disclose all the ingredients in their products on labels and even the safety data sheets of materials are available online or upon request, but independent studies have reported that in most fabric softeners are highly toxic chemicals that are transferred to clothing, bed linens and towels.

The last place we would expect that they were going to finish the chemicals would be our laundry because we spend all day wearing clothes and all night in your sheets. Chemicals that can soak the laundry and go directly into the bloodstream through the skin, and since the sheets and clothes that are literally under our noses at 24h 24 (unless, of course, we're not nudist), every breath exposes us to all that have collected in the wash cycle.
Prolonged exposure may cause headache, nausea, irritability, vomiting and other symptoms, but even if you have no immediate or noticeable symptoms, the long-term exposure to certain chemicals can lead to serious particularly strong health problems, including cancer and liver damage.


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