Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Kates Playground Pich


For MCS the same social incongruity of asbestos-related disease: it is found in the book "Diseases and Environmental Work - MCS Asbestos & Justice" by Ezio Bonanno and Giancarlo Ugazio .
"Since ancient times, the human being has gradually adapted to live facing a few hundred molecules or harmful chemicals of natural origin and low levels of physical agents found in nature. From the industrial revolution onwards, people found themselves in front of hundreds of thousands of new molecules that begin to produce at concentrations too high. Molecules used in large quantities and then dispersed into the environment at levels of physical agents used to improve the comfort of your own life, increase productivity and increase profitability industrial and agricultural and livestock losses. It still fits, but worse lives, suffers and lives less than expected as possible.

Photo Source: seizes
Many of the poisons are put in place by the progress or become carcinogens. Asbestos also is emblematic both from the biomedical, both for social and health implications. A myriad of other harmful chemicals and physical agents linked to the progress they are able to raise about 10% of the population that is genetically predisposed to lose tolerance to harmful agents in the environment. It follows the so-called MCS (English acronym that means MCS). Even for this syndrome are repeated the same social inconsistencies encountered in the asbestos-related disease.
From these important issues and most modern authors have found the motivation to write, with passionate commitment, this book that combines history and economics to accurate medical and scientific references. The text, accompanied by a rich, detailed scientific evidence and national and international law, it is an important contribution to the study, analysis and proposals for procedural and judicial protection of the environment from which it follows inevitably a virtuous circle for Health Protection of mankind. "


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