Saturday, February 26, 2011

Biopsy On Ovarian Cyst


Line 38. Line 38, from Milan, is currently the last stop on Saini. From the time they are asking the residents of Novegro extension to their neighborhood in order to facilitate their access to Milan. The terminal would be via Montale. Atm engineers have given their consent to the project. It now awaits a visit by the technical experts of the Councillor transport in Milan. The critical point is the difficulty to exit via Novegro Via Corelli (who is still here Rivoltana). E 'request and then a round, according to the technical Segrate, might be ready soon, if there were money. But the money be allocated under the budget, which will probably be called no sooner than late March. So either we approve a temporary solution (jersey?), Or residents of Novegro will have to wait at least another 6 months. After years of waiting once again the 'arrival of 38 to NOVEGRO stretch time, and lucky for us ourselves had done surveys to measure the miles of the route path from 1.200 meters to NOVEGRO saini, and after someone had used the promise of 38 to NOVEGRO election campaign once again NOVEGRO MUST WAIT!. and why for 55 to Laundry 's expectation and' was more 'breve.NOVEGRO E' complaining YEARS AND THIS LINK IS WAITING IN MILAN.


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