Thursday, November 11, 2010

How Much Does Bangbros Make

Google chrome caricherà le pagine ancor prima di visitarle

If this feature were to get through is really a nice cold shower for the other browsers! Imagine opening your browser and instantly find loads the web page you want? Well, Google is trying to do something very similar . It seems that the next important feature of Google Chrome is this: in labs, for the moment, you can "preload" only about page: flags . Project In fact, it is very young (we are in the order of one or two weeks) and will be completed - presumably - by February 2011.

La domanda però sorge spontanea:  quali pagine verranno precaricate?  E, inoltre,  quanto influirà questa nuova funzionalità sulla velocità d’esecuzione del browser?
Alla prima risposta posso rispondervi soltanto in parte:  molto probabilmente  sarà utilizzata qualche euristica  - basata su pagerank, cronologia e preferenze dell’utente –  per scegliere le pagine da precaricare all’apertura del browser.
Mi dilungo un po’ in più sulla seconda domanda:  predownload the pages is not only uploading their own content in the browser cache, but loading the whole page in a tab invisible, run by a separate thread within the same Chrome. Translated into words a bit 'easier, which means that when we open the browser, in addition to open tabs by default (or defined by users) will be open to other invisible tabs that contain the various web pages preload , one for each thread (a kind of "sub", so if we want to call it) .
This means that they will be loaded in memory how many threads will be pre-loaded pages: is why Google will give a lot to do to carefully select cards to be loaded into memory by avoiding duplication of effort. If everything will be implemented in the best way there should be no special resentments about memory, but if not, the preloading cards could have serious impact on browsing speed and, worse still, the stability of the whole system. We'll see.

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