Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Como Vender Rings No Gaiaonline

If returned the floppy disks to install photoshop

3.5 "? Of course - and thankfully - it is almost unimaginable, but Behance Network had fun to calculate how many would be needed for some of the most widely used programs. The installation of iTunes 2.8, for example, would require about 46 floppies. For Firefox 3.0, however, would be enough only 12, but if you count all the additional packages the number rise to 48.

And this is still nothing in the face of heavy programs for which would take many many floppy would be enough to fill an entire library or even a room. Adobe Photoshop CS4, for example, it would need 358, while Sims3 of the game even 1760. We've got to like? Think then the simple task of downloading your favorite playlist from 2 to 8 disks for every song. Probably very soon will lose their appetite and return to the radio. If you want to see a movie discs, it would take about a thousand, one for every 3 seconds of footage.

To celebrate the old floppy - and put a face to the chart is now out of time - the creative network also Behance made a series of posters : disks of different colors depending on the program which, when added, should contain.

source: Wired.it

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