Monday, November 22, 2010

Always A High Creatinine

Un bug di Facebook disabilita migliaia di utenti.

on Facebook , a bug in the system implemented to monitor and disable accounts considered to be irregular, has blocked thousands of profiles of regular users, as reported by Mashable . The bug, in particular, struck account of female users. From Facebook said "The bug, which is active for a short period of time, has disabled a small percentage of the account. As soon as we discovered, we immediately set to work to resolve it. The problem is now fixed and we are reactivating the profiles disabled by sending a notification to the users involved. "Users affected received a mail containing instructions on how to rehabilitate your account suspected" Please, send us a copy of a document identity, making sure that the name, date of birth and photo are clearly visible. " This is the normal bureaucratic process that must submit a user to allow a test of the profile. Fortunately in this case the unfortunate may risparmiarsela.
Facebook is at this moment in the spotlight of the world wide web, both for the news that is releasing a dizzying pace (think the last announcement on the Facebook service Messages) and for relations conflict with Google. This bug has had little impact considering the number of people involved, but one wonders if a misstep a bit 'more likely to cause great damage to the image of Facebook as to curb its rapid growth in popularity.
UPDATE: Negli ultimi minuti molti utenti stanno sperimentando problemi nel funzionamento di Facebook: la pagina, dopo un po’ di indugi, non viene caricata proprio come se il sito non fosse mai esistito. Dopo l’annuncio di un  bug  che avrebbe disabilitato migliaia di utenti il social network sta accusando forse altri problemi ben più seri? Si tratta di un problema controllato, un sovraccarico della linea oppure di tentativi di sabotaggio? Per il momento non ci sono notizie a riguardo in rete.
E voi, lettori di downloadblog, state verificando lo stesso problema?
Un bug di Facebook disabilita migliaia di utenti.  é stato pubblicato on Downloadblog to 12:00 Wednesday, November 17, 2010.


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