Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Where Would You Find Phthalates?

Facebook Ending March 15, watch the buffalo

Da un paio di giorni circola online the voice on the closure of Facebook from next March 15 . The news is of course false and was released from the Weekly World News , an information website that publishes oddities and curiosities and news published in the past had simply made up. The article on the closure of Facebook has been taken up by many newspapers and many alarmed and a bit 'gullible members of the same social network, so much so that those responsible for the social network to officially deny the voice so that someone could fall seriously.

The news was published on the WWN on January 8 without containing no indication that it was a hoax :

Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook will be closed in March. The management of the site has become too stressful. "Facebook is now out of control," said Zuckerberg at a news conference in Palo Alto "and stress due to the management of this company ruined my life. I have to put an end to all this madness. "
Zuckerberg explained that from next March 15, users will no longer be able to access their profiles on Facebook. "After March 15, the whole website will be closed," added Avrat Humarthi, vice president of Technical Affairs on Facebook. "So if you want to review your photos, you should levarle web. You can not retrieve it when Facebook will be closed. "

As the news began to circulate with some insistence, those of Facebook yesterday agreed to publish a short message on their official page in the social network to deny all:

We have not received any communication on our end, we will continue to go on as usual. We are not going to leave and we have just begun.
chiusura facebook

The short message received over 59 thousand and ten thousand like feedback from users, molti dei quali sembravano essere effettivamente preoccupati dalla notizia della chiusura. Il social network fa ormai parte della vita di circa mezzo miliardo di persone e i responsabili della società vogliono far aumentare ancora il volume degli iscritti, e i piani vanno ben oltre il prossimo 15 marzo.
Attraverso la banca di affari statunitense Goldman Sachs, Facebook ha ottenuto circa  500 milioni di dollari di nuovi investimenti  per espandersi ulteriormente, sviluppare e progettare nuovi servizi che attirino altri iscritti. Inoltre, da mesi si parla di una possibile quotazione in borsa della società che potrebbe avvenire l’anno prossimo, rafforzando ulteriormente i conti societari. Le stime più ottimistiche speak of a company's value that is around 50 billion dollars. Close in March it would not be really worth.

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