Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Emphysema Facts How Long Can You Live

Quore attack Yahoo! Answers

Quore is a question and answer service that takes inspiration from Yahoo! Answers, but dresses like a social network. Users can create a profile, add friends and share any kind of content, in short, a culture with Facebook in a way. The questions and discussions can be shared freely with others , which can also rate the quality of questions asked and responses received. This will give rise to a ranking with the most popular topics discussed on the platform and . Quore , for the moment, is only available in English and is accessible only through direct invitation.

One wonders whether there can ever replace the existing social networks like Facebook and Twitter, but wanting to give a very personal opinion, I do not think such a thing avvenga. Credo di conoscere abbastanza bene i social network e le loro dinamiche: la maggior parte della gente li usa per svagarsi, per la conoscenza esiste Wikipedia o lo stesso Yahoo! Answer che, soprattutto in Italia, è molto diffuso

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