Sunday, January 23, 2011

Appraisal District For Scottsdale, Az

Initiative of the University of Canberra for

Le acque minerali fuori dall'Università. Questa è la decisione che è stata presa nell'Ateneo di Canberra, la capitale federale australiana. Nei caffè e nei negozi del campus l'acqua in bottiglia sarà sostituita da distributori automatici che riempiono contenitori, acquistabili separatamente, di acqua refrigerata liscia o gassata, a prezzi inferiori di in the bottle. The project idea and the organization of the environmental group Do Something! with input from students.

"The ban on mineral water will be used to help the environment and save money for students, said spokesman Jon Dee-According to government statistics of the organizers to produce water bottles sold in Australia are used each year more than 105 million gallons of oil, resulting in 126 thousand tons of greenhouse gases. And more than half of the bottles end up in landfills. "

Now environmentalists are hoping that the initiative can be spread to other universities. Moreover, the substrate culture of the continent is likely to accommodate these best practices: in fact in 2009 the small town of Bundanoon (2500 inhabitants), in New South Wales, became the first in the world to ban the sale of mineral water in plastic bottle and drink only tap water. The decision was taken unanimously by city council and has also led to changes in the distribution system and a national waiver of any gain by traders who have agreed to join the initiative, however, the positive environmental and ethical implications.


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