Saturday, January 1, 2011

Organ Transplant Research Posts In America


Now goodbye to plastic bags. To sanction that Italy must change course about the envelopes in which to bring the expenditure is to prohibit the marketing of non-biodegradable bags, a ban in Milleproroghe confirmed by the absence of a further slippage of the measure. The stop for plastic shopping bags was in fact provided for in the 2007 Budget and would have to take as early as January 2010 but has bounced an extension of one year, in January next word. And this time it seems no afterthought.

The Ministry of Environment and Economic Development state that the remains be disposed of stocks held in the years to craft and commercial December 31, 2010 "The disposal of waste bags which do not comply, however, must be" operated exclusively in favor of consumers at no charge. "

Si tratta, dunque, di «uno smaltimento graduale»: dal primo gennaio 2011 pertanto si potranno ancora ricevere negli esercizi commerciali buste di plastica gratis fino all'esaurimento di quelle acquistate dal negoziante entro il 2010. Cosa che dovrebbe accadere - in base ad alcune previsioni - entro due-tre settimane. La questione legata allo stop alle buste di plastica si interseca anche con i rifiuti, diventando - seguendo la concezione del "graduale smaltimento" - un incentivo alla raccolta differenziata. Da subito - sempre secondo fonti informate - «non sarĂ  possibile usarle per la spazzatura organica. Mentre sarĂ  ancora allowed ourselves to put the inorganic. "
source: PRESS
image from: Ecogreentips


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