Monday, January 31, 2011

Bipolar Disorderstatistic

Norway leader in the fight against dangerous substances

The Norwegian Ministry of Environment for the Authority proposes to ban four EFTA Surveillance dangerous substances contained in products of everyday use. The substances found in crayons, toys, paintings, carpets, plastic products and textiles.

Il divieto riguarda il piombo, le cloroparaffine a catena media (MCCP), il pentaclorofenolo (PCF) e l'acido perfluoroctanoico (PFOA), che sono, tra le sostanze conosciuite, le più pericolose. 

I prodotti di largo consumo sono una fonte importante di emissioni di sostanze pericolose per l'ambiente e di esposizione per l'uomo. Le sostanze pericolose si accumulano in natura e sono una minaccia per l'ambiente e la salute umana. 
- È importante ridurre la diffusione di sostanze pericolose. Le sostanze pericolose sono presenti nei prodotti che ci circondano e che usiamo ogni giorno, ma, per il consumatore, potrebbe essere difficile venirne a conoscenza.  È importante eliminare gradualmente le sostanze pericolose nei prodotti di largo consumo al fine di garantire al consumatore prodotti sicuri e ridurre la dispersione nell'ambiente di sostanze pericolose. I quattro divieti proposti sono un importante contributo agli effetti negativi sulla salute e sull'ambiente che i prodotti di largo consumo possono causare, afferma il ministro dell'Ambiente e per lo sviluppo internazionale Erik Solheim. 

La Norvegia, quale capofila 
La proposta di vietare le quattro sostanze nei prodotti di largo consumo sono più restrictive legislation in the EU.

- Norway will become the leading national body for international environmental regulations more stringent. The proposed bans are an important signal that Norway takes seriously the fight against dangerous substances in consumer products. I hope that the whole operation, starting from these prohibitions in this field can lead to common international standards, hopes Solheim

's Supervisory Authority for the proposed hours will launch a public consultation on the territory of the EEA (European Economic Area). The Environment Ministry will ask the same time all'Agenzia per il Clima e l'Ambiente di far partire la proposta del divieto in una consultazione pubblica nelle singole nazioni. 

Bipolar Disorderstatistic

Norway leader in the fight against dangerous substances

The Norwegian Ministry of Environment for the Authority proposes to ban four EFTA Surveillance dangerous substances contained in products of everyday use. The substances found in crayons, toys, paintings, carpets, plastic products and textiles.

Il divieto riguarda il piombo, le cloroparaffine a catena media (MCCP), il pentaclorofenolo (PCF) e l'acido perfluoroctanoico (PFOA), che sono, tra le sostanze conosciuite, le più pericolose. 

I prodotti di largo consumo sono una fonte importante di emissioni di sostanze pericolose per l'ambiente e di esposizione per l'uomo. Le sostanze pericolose si accumulano in natura e sono una minaccia per l'ambiente e la salute umana. 
- È importante ridurre la diffusione di sostanze pericolose. Le sostanze pericolose sono presenti nei prodotti che ci circondano e che usiamo ogni giorno, ma, per il consumatore, potrebbe essere difficile venirne a conoscenza.  È importante eliminare gradualmente le sostanze pericolose nei prodotti di largo consumo al fine di garantire al consumatore prodotti sicuri e ridurre la dispersione nell'ambiente di sostanze pericolose. I quattro divieti proposti sono un importante contributo agli effetti negativi sulla salute e sull'ambiente che i prodotti di largo consumo possono causare, afferma il ministro dell'Ambiente e per lo sviluppo internazionale Erik Solheim. 

La Norvegia, quale capofila 
La proposta di vietare le quattro sostanze nei prodotti di largo consumo sono più restrictive legislation in the EU.

- Norway will become the leading national body for international environmental regulations more stringent. The proposed bans are an important signal that Norway takes seriously the fight against dangerous substances in consumer products. I hope that the whole operation, starting from these prohibitions in this field can lead to common international standards, hopes Solheim

's Supervisory Authority for the proposed hours will launch a public consultation on the territory of the EEA (European Economic Area). The Environment Ministry will ask the same time all'Agenzia per il Clima e l'Ambiente di far partire la proposta del divieto in una consultazione pubblica nelle singole nazioni. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Ecdysterone Ecdy-bolin

White iPhone for arrival February 27

feelin 'like 4 white iPhone is not a chimera, or at least is about to be released in less time than expected. Mac Rumors is reporting that, according also to the image capeggiante this artcolo, shows the white iPhone in Best Buy's database . The model name and the SKU are identical to those shown in the online Apple store, and then deleted, this summer.

There is also talk of a possible date for the release date of February 27 . This would a Sunday, an unusual choice by Apple, which usually chooses as launch day Thursday and Friday to attract more consumers over the weekend.

Related news:

Ecdysterone Ecdy-bolin

White iPhone for arrival February 27

feelin 'like 4 white iPhone is not a chimera, or at least is about to be released in less time than expected. Mac Rumors is reporting that, according also to the image capeggiante this artcolo, shows the white iPhone in Best Buy's database . The model name and the SKU are identical to those shown in the online Apple store, and then deleted, this summer.

There is also talk of a possible date for the release date of February 27 . This would a Sunday, an unusual choice by Apple, which usually chooses as launch day Thursday and Friday to attract more consumers over the weekend.

Related news:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Appraisal District For Scottsdale, Az

Initiative of the University of Canberra for

Le acque minerali fuori dall'Università. Questa è la decisione che è stata presa nell'Ateneo di Canberra, la capitale federale australiana. Nei caffè e nei negozi del campus l'acqua in bottiglia sarà sostituita da distributori automatici che riempiono contenitori, acquistabili separatamente, di acqua refrigerata liscia o gassata, a prezzi inferiori di in the bottle. The project idea and the organization of the environmental group Do Something! with input from students.

"The ban on mineral water will be used to help the environment and save money for students, said spokesman Jon Dee-According to government statistics of the organizers to produce water bottles sold in Australia are used each year more than 105 million gallons of oil, resulting in 126 thousand tons of greenhouse gases. And more than half of the bottles end up in landfills. "

Now environmentalists are hoping that the initiative can be spread to other universities. Moreover, the substrate culture of the continent is likely to accommodate these best practices: in fact in 2009 the small town of Bundanoon (2500 inhabitants), in New South Wales, became the first in the world to ban the sale of mineral water in plastic bottle and drink only tap water. The decision was taken unanimously by city council and has also led to changes in the distribution system and a national waiver of any gain by traders who have agreed to join the initiative, however, the positive environmental and ethical implications.

Appraisal District For Scottsdale, Az

Initiative of the University of Canberra for

Le acque minerali fuori dall'Università. Questa è la decisione che è stata presa nell'Ateneo di Canberra, la capitale federale australiana. Nei caffè e nei negozi del campus l'acqua in bottiglia sarà sostituita da distributori automatici che riempiono contenitori, acquistabili separatamente, di acqua refrigerata liscia o gassata, a prezzi inferiori di in the bottle. The project idea and the organization of the environmental group Do Something! with input from students.

"The ban on mineral water will be used to help the environment and save money for students, said spokesman Jon Dee-According to government statistics of the organizers to produce water bottles sold in Australia are used each year more than 105 million gallons of oil, resulting in 126 thousand tons of greenhouse gases. And more than half of the bottles end up in landfills. "

Now environmentalists are hoping that the initiative can be spread to other universities. Moreover, the substrate culture of the continent is likely to accommodate these best practices: in fact in 2009 the small town of Bundanoon (2500 inhabitants), in New South Wales, became the first in the world to ban the sale of mineral water in plastic bottle and drink only tap water. The decision was taken unanimously by city council and has also led to changes in the distribution system and a national waiver of any gain by traders who have agreed to join the initiative, however, the positive environmental and ethical implications.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Can Clonazepam Kill You

The wind is changing the environment for the integrated medicine ...

È quanto afferma l'avvocato Jacques Simon che ha rappresentato Bill J. Rea, MD, in una splendida vittoria legale contro il Texas Medical Board (TMB). 
IL Dr. Rea è un ricercatore e clinico leader nel campo della medicina ambientale e della sensibilità chimica. Negli ultimi trent'anni, ha trattato malattie causate da intossicazioni alimentari e da fattori ambientali inclusi inquinamento di aria e acqua. Nel 2005, il Texas Medical Board aveva presentato una serie di accuse contro il dottor Rea, le sue analisi, diagnosi e trattamenti, insomma contro tutto ciò che il dr Rea fa. Ha persino sostenuto che il dottor Rea iniettasse ai suoi pazienti  gasolio e prodotti chimici nocivi, un'accusa palesemente falsa.
Dopo tre lunghi anni in tribunale, Simon è stato in grado di dimostrare che le accuse erano infondate. Invece di revocare la licenza, il consiglio ha semplicemente disposto che il dottor Rea approntasse un modulo di consenso informato da sottoporre ai pazienti in cui si afferma che la sua terapia "non è approvata dalla FDA. "
Source: CSN
see also:

Can Clonazepam Kill You

The wind is changing the environment for the integrated medicine ...

È quanto afferma l'avvocato Jacques Simon che ha rappresentato Bill J. Rea, MD, in una splendida vittoria legale contro il Texas Medical Board (TMB). 
IL Dr. Rea è un ricercatore e clinico leader nel campo della medicina ambientale e della sensibilità chimica. Negli ultimi trent'anni, ha trattato malattie causate da intossicazioni alimentari e da fattori ambientali inclusi inquinamento di aria e acqua. Nel 2005, il Texas Medical Board aveva presentato una serie di accuse contro il dottor Rea, le sue analisi, diagnosi e trattamenti, insomma contro tutto ciò che il dr Rea fa. Ha persino sostenuto che il dottor Rea iniettasse ai suoi pazienti  gasolio e prodotti chimici nocivi, un'accusa palesemente falsa.
Dopo tre lunghi anni in tribunale, Simon è stato in grado di dimostrare che le accuse erano infondate. Invece di revocare la licenza, il consiglio ha semplicemente disposto che il dottor Rea approntasse un modulo di consenso informato da sottoporre ai pazienti in cui si afferma che la sua terapia "non è approvata dalla FDA. "
Source: CSN
see also:

Stent In The Kidney In Spanish

Facebook Messages: SMS email and instant messaging

As already announced in November , Zuckerberg and his men led to complete the development of project that promises to revolutionize the world of communication . Since yesterday it is possible (not all yet in reality) use Posts Facebook, the new method of communication developed by social network. The new product is not limited to being just a mailing service, but will allow us to bring together the various communications with a contact, sms, mail, chat on a single page on Facebook.

Analyzing Facebook Messages can be divided into three parts to the service to better understand all the latest news:

- Seamless Messaging : it is certainly the most revolutionary part of this project. Through this service, in fact, you tte our conversations with a contact will be through Facebook , whatever means of communication used by the sender: chat, email or SMS. Through the Seamless Messaging will then be able to minimize the fragmentation of our communications grouping them all on one page on the social network.

- Conversation History: The service is closely related to. We will have the possibility, in fact, keep all our communications with a user on one page thus avoiding the dispersion and fragmentation of messages regardless of the means of communication: SMS, email or chat.

-Mailbox : Facebook also gives us a mail box set directly from the social network. Each user can request an address like " " and use the mailbox. The email Facebook promises to revolutionize the email service on the Web will be abandoned, in fact, the tone of formality associated with the use of mail to make this method of communication by the youth. Have been eliminated items "Subject", "" Cc "and" Bcc "to make faster service that becomes very similar to mobile phone messaging.

Messages received will be divided into two pages, depending on whether the sender is included among our friends on Facebook or not. For others using the "respective Inbox", and other communications will be collected on the "Others".

To access the Facebook messages we just request an invite directly from the official this page on Facebook and we will be catapulted into the new reality of communication.

Related news:

Stent In The Kidney In Spanish

Facebook Messages: SMS email and instant messaging

As already announced in November , Zuckerberg and his men led to complete the development of project that promises to revolutionize the world of communication . Since yesterday it is possible (not all yet in reality) use Posts Facebook, the new method of communication developed by social network. The new product is not limited to being just a mailing service, but will allow us to bring together the various communications with a contact, sms, mail, chat on a single page on Facebook.

Analyzing Facebook Messages can be divided into three parts to the service to better understand all the latest news:

- Seamless Messaging : it is certainly the most revolutionary part of this project. Through this service, in fact, you tte our conversations with a contact will be through Facebook , whatever means of communication used by the sender: chat, email or SMS. Through the Seamless Messaging will then be able to minimize the fragmentation of our communications grouping them all on one page on the social network.

- Conversation History: The service is closely related to. We will have the possibility, in fact, keep all our communications with a user on one page thus avoiding the dispersion and fragmentation of messages regardless of the means of communication: SMS, email or chat.

-Mailbox : Facebook also gives us a mail box set directly from the social network. Each user can request an address like " " and use the mailbox. The email Facebook promises to revolutionize the email service on the Web will be abandoned, in fact, the tone of formality associated with the use of mail to make this method of communication by the youth. Have been eliminated items "Subject", "" Cc "and" Bcc "to make faster service that becomes very similar to mobile phone messaging.

Messages received will be divided into two pages, depending on whether the sender is included among our friends on Facebook or not. For others using the "respective Inbox", and other communications will be collected on the "Others".

To access the Facebook messages we just request an invite directly from the official this page on Facebook and we will be catapulted into the new reality of communication.

Related news:

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mottled Skin Lower Back

Prison for fake Facebook profiles

Thanks to a new California law the says "no" to fake Facebook profiles. Appropriate in an unfair manner of a person in real life is obviously a crime : why should not also on the most popular social network in the world? Think well: when you register an account on Facebook are the terms and conditions of use of the service to force users to use their own identity, entering name real. Many, however, using fake names or nicknames, now to protect their identity now to make jokes to friends and relatives.

Where is create a profile of another person and you were in California, could be fined up to $ 1,000 and a one-way ticket to jail ... and no, you're not playing Monopoly ! Yes, as it may seem exaggerated, identity theft on Facebook can be paid with imprisonment up to one year, according to the law SB 1411 proposal by Democratic Senator Joe Simitian .

Faced with such a measure can not but wonder whether the law can be helpful or not to drug prevention, preventing users are Spaccino for others and may damage the victim of theft. Sure, it's hard to imagine that a person can create a fake Facebook profile and at the same time true to another: hold the game in the long run it would not be easy. Is a different story for VIPs, given the dozens of fake profiles on behalf of people from the entertainment world, from actors to singers.

Related news:

Mottled Skin Lower Back

Prison for fake Facebook profiles

Thanks to a new California law the says "no" to fake Facebook profiles. Appropriate in an unfair manner of a person in real life is obviously a crime : why should not also on the most popular social network in the world? Think well: when you register an account on Facebook are the terms and conditions of use of the service to force users to use their own identity, entering name real. Many, however, using fake names or nicknames, now to protect their identity now to make jokes to friends and relatives.

Where is create a profile of another person and you were in California, could be fined up to $ 1,000 and a one-way ticket to jail ... and no, you're not playing Monopoly ! Yes, as it may seem exaggerated, identity theft on Facebook can be paid with imprisonment up to one year, according to the law SB 1411 proposal by Democratic Senator Joe Simitian .

Faced with such a measure can not but wonder whether the law can be helpful or not to drug prevention, preventing users are Spaccino for others and may damage the victim of theft. Sure, it's hard to imagine that a person can create a fake Facebook profile and at the same time true to another: hold the game in the long run it would not be easy. Is a different story for VIPs, given the dozens of fake profiles on behalf of people from the entertainment world, from actors to singers.

Related news:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Emphysema Facts How Long Can You Live

Quore attack Yahoo! Answers

Quore is a question and answer service that takes inspiration from Yahoo! Answers, but dresses like a social network. Users can create a profile, add friends and share any kind of content, in short, a culture with Facebook in a way. The questions and discussions can be shared freely with others , which can also rate the quality of questions asked and responses received. This will give rise to a ranking with the most popular topics discussed on the platform and . Quore , for the moment, is only available in English and is accessible only through direct invitation.

One wonders whether there can ever replace the existing social networks like Facebook and Twitter, but wanting to give a very personal opinion, I do not think such a thing avvenga. Credo di conoscere abbastanza bene i social network e le loro dinamiche: la maggior parte della gente li usa per svagarsi, per la conoscenza esiste Wikipedia o lo stesso Yahoo! Answer che, soprattutto in Italia, è molto diffuso

Notizie Correlate:

Emphysema Facts How Long Can You Live

Quore attack Yahoo! Answers

Quore is a question and answer service that takes inspiration from Yahoo! Answers, but dresses like a social network. Users can create a profile, add friends and share any kind of content, in short, a culture with Facebook in a way. The questions and discussions can be shared freely with others , which can also rate the quality of questions asked and responses received. This will give rise to a ranking with the most popular topics discussed on the platform and . Quore , for the moment, is only available in English and is accessible only through direct invitation.

One wonders whether there can ever replace the existing social networks like Facebook and Twitter, but wanting to give a very personal opinion, I do not think such a thing avvenga. Credo di conoscere abbastanza bene i social network e le loro dinamiche: la maggior parte della gente li usa per svagarsi, per la conoscenza esiste Wikipedia o lo stesso Yahoo! Answer che, soprattutto in Italia, è molto diffuso

Notizie Correlate:

Decompression Cervical Spine

Stress, poverty, and toxic substances are a vicious circle?

Tuesday, the EPA said it had allocated $ 7 million for research impact combination of pollutants such as mercury and lead with social factors such as stress and poor diet on the many low-income communities.
The EPA study, in general, only the health effects of individual chemicals. But a growing body of research indicates that the combined exposure to various pollutants associated with non-chemical factors such as stress, poverty and poor nutrition, can amplify the negative effects of a single toxic substance.

"This research could pave the way for further interdisciplinary research that addresses the concerns of the community and environmental justice," said Dr. Anastas.

Last year, EPA has submitted a plan to integrate environmental justice issues with the regulatory agency itself and the process of approval, and, in December, he hosted for the first time the White House, Forum on Environmental Justice, inviting dozens of leaders of grassroots communities.
Source: Green.blogs

Decompression Cervical Spine

Stress, poverty, and toxic substances are a vicious circle?

Tuesday, the EPA said it had allocated $ 7 million for research impact combination of pollutants such as mercury and lead with social factors such as stress and poor diet on the many low-income communities.
The EPA study, in general, only the health effects of individual chemicals. But a growing body of research indicates that the combined exposure to various pollutants associated with non-chemical factors such as stress, poverty and poor nutrition, can amplify the negative effects of a single toxic substance.

"This research could pave the way for further interdisciplinary research that addresses the concerns of the community and environmental justice," said Dr. Anastas.

Last year, EPA has submitted a plan to integrate environmental justice issues with the regulatory agency itself and the process of approval, and, in December, he hosted for the first time the White House, Forum on Environmental Justice, inviting dozens of leaders of grassroots communities.
Source: Green.blogs

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Where Would You Find Phthalates?

Facebook Ending March 15, watch the buffalo

Da un paio di giorni circola online the voice on the closure of Facebook from next March 15 . The news is of course false and was released from the Weekly World News , an information website that publishes oddities and curiosities and news published in the past had simply made up. The article on the closure of Facebook has been taken up by many newspapers and many alarmed and a bit 'gullible members of the same social network, so much so that those responsible for the social network to officially deny the voice so that someone could fall seriously.

The news was published on the WWN on January 8 without containing no indication that it was a hoax :

Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook will be closed in March. The management of the site has become too stressful. "Facebook is now out of control," said Zuckerberg at a news conference in Palo Alto "and stress due to the management of this company ruined my life. I have to put an end to all this madness. "
Zuckerberg explained that from next March 15, users will no longer be able to access their profiles on Facebook. "After March 15, the whole website will be closed," added Avrat Humarthi, vice president of Technical Affairs on Facebook. "So if you want to review your photos, you should levarle web. You can not retrieve it when Facebook will be closed. "

As the news began to circulate with some insistence, those of Facebook yesterday agreed to publish a short message on their official page in the social network to deny all:

We have not received any communication on our end, we will continue to go on as usual. We are not going to leave and we have just begun.
chiusura facebook

The short message received over 59 thousand and ten thousand like feedback from users, molti dei quali sembravano essere effettivamente preoccupati dalla notizia della chiusura. Il social network fa ormai parte della vita di circa mezzo miliardo di persone e i responsabili della società vogliono far aumentare ancora il volume degli iscritti, e i piani vanno ben oltre il prossimo 15 marzo.
Attraverso la banca di affari statunitense Goldman Sachs, Facebook ha ottenuto circa  500 milioni di dollari di nuovi investimenti  per espandersi ulteriormente, sviluppare e progettare nuovi servizi che attirino altri iscritti. Inoltre, da mesi si parla di una possibile quotazione in borsa della società che potrebbe avvenire l’anno prossimo, rafforzando ulteriormente i conti societari. Le stime più ottimistiche speak of a company's value that is around 50 billion dollars. Close in March it would not be really worth.

Related news:

Where Would You Find Phthalates?

Facebook Ending March 15, watch the buffalo

Da un paio di giorni circola online the voice on the closure of Facebook from next March 15 . The news is of course false and was released from the Weekly World News , an information website that publishes oddities and curiosities and news published in the past had simply made up. The article on the closure of Facebook has been taken up by many newspapers and many alarmed and a bit 'gullible members of the same social network, so much so that those responsible for the social network to officially deny the voice so that someone could fall seriously.

The news was published on the WWN on January 8 without containing no indication that it was a hoax :

Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook will be closed in March. The management of the site has become too stressful. "Facebook is now out of control," said Zuckerberg at a news conference in Palo Alto "and stress due to the management of this company ruined my life. I have to put an end to all this madness. "
Zuckerberg explained that from next March 15, users will no longer be able to access their profiles on Facebook. "After March 15, the whole website will be closed," added Avrat Humarthi, vice president of Technical Affairs on Facebook. "So if you want to review your photos, you should levarle web. You can not retrieve it when Facebook will be closed. "

As the news began to circulate with some insistence, those of Facebook yesterday agreed to publish a short message on their official page in the social network to deny all:

We have not received any communication on our end, we will continue to go on as usual. We are not going to leave and we have just begun.
chiusura facebook

The short message received over 59 thousand and ten thousand like feedback from users, molti dei quali sembravano essere effettivamente preoccupati dalla notizia della chiusura. Il social network fa ormai parte della vita di circa mezzo miliardo di persone e i responsabili della società vogliono far aumentare ancora il volume degli iscritti, e i piani vanno ben oltre il prossimo 15 marzo.
Attraverso la banca di affari statunitense Goldman Sachs, Facebook ha ottenuto circa  500 milioni di dollari di nuovi investimenti  per espandersi ulteriormente, sviluppare e progettare nuovi servizi che attirino altri iscritti. Inoltre, da mesi si parla di una possibile quotazione in borsa della società che potrebbe avvenire l’anno prossimo, rafforzando ulteriormente i conti societari. Le stime più ottimistiche speak of a company's value that is around 50 billion dollars. Close in March it would not be really worth.

Related news:

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Organ Transplant Research Posts In America


Now goodbye to plastic bags. To sanction that Italy must change course about the envelopes in which to bring the expenditure is to prohibit the marketing of non-biodegradable bags, a ban in Milleproroghe confirmed by the absence of a further slippage of the measure. The stop for plastic shopping bags was in fact provided for in the 2007 Budget and would have to take as early as January 2010 but has bounced an extension of one year, in January next word. And this time it seems no afterthought.

The Ministry of Environment and Economic Development state that the remains be disposed of stocks held in the years to craft and commercial December 31, 2010 "The disposal of waste bags which do not comply, however, must be" operated exclusively in favor of consumers at no charge. "

Si tratta, dunque, di «uno smaltimento graduale»: dal primo gennaio 2011 pertanto si potranno ancora ricevere negli esercizi commerciali buste di plastica gratis fino all'esaurimento di quelle acquistate dal negoziante entro il 2010. Cosa che dovrebbe accadere - in base ad alcune previsioni - entro due-tre settimane. La questione legata allo stop alle buste di plastica si interseca anche con i rifiuti, diventando - seguendo la concezione del "graduale smaltimento" - un incentivo alla raccolta differenziata. Da subito - sempre secondo fonti informate - «non sarà possibile usarle per la spazzatura organica. Mentre sarà ancora allowed ourselves to put the inorganic. "
source: PRESS
image from: Ecogreentips

Organ Transplant Research Posts In America


Now goodbye to plastic bags. To sanction that Italy must change course about the envelopes in which to bring the expenditure is to prohibit the marketing of non-biodegradable bags, a ban in Milleproroghe confirmed by the absence of a further slippage of the measure. The stop for plastic shopping bags was in fact provided for in the 2007 Budget and would have to take as early as January 2010 but has bounced an extension of one year, in January next word. And this time it seems no afterthought.

The Ministry of Environment and Economic Development state that the remains be disposed of stocks held in the years to craft and commercial December 31, 2010 "The disposal of waste bags which do not comply, however, must be" operated exclusively in favor of consumers at no charge. "

Si tratta, dunque, di «uno smaltimento graduale»: dal primo gennaio 2011 pertanto si potranno ancora ricevere negli esercizi commerciali buste di plastica gratis fino all'esaurimento di quelle acquistate dal negoziante entro il 2010. Cosa che dovrebbe accadere - in base ad alcune previsioni - entro due-tre settimane. La questione legata allo stop alle buste di plastica si interseca anche con i rifiuti, diventando - seguendo la concezione del "graduale smaltimento" - un incentivo alla raccolta differenziata. Da subito - sempre secondo fonti informate - «non sarà possibile usarle per la spazzatura organica. Mentre sarà ancora allowed ourselves to put the inorganic. "
source: PRESS
image from: Ecogreentips

Sailboat Cakes Edmonton

Passive smoking affects more

Researchers' Institute of Environmental Medicine at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm along with researchers from the World Health Organization performed a global estimate of exposure to secondhand smoke and the impact of the disease that results in children and adults in 2004. The study, which examined data from 192 countries, just published in The Lancet, shows that the greatest impact was applied to the lower respiratory tract infections in children under 5 years (5 million and 939,000), ischemic heart disease in adults (2 million and 836,000), and asthma in adults (1 million 246 thousand) and children (651,000). Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke was then estimated to be the cause of death of over 600,000 people, 379,000 people for ischemic heart disease, 165,000 lower respiratory tract infections, asthma and 36,900 to 21,400 for lung cancer.
source: Prof. Umberto Tirelli