Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Which Collar Works With Rf-1002

Pictures of the new Chrome: real or fake?

Immagini di Google Chrome OS Google Chrome OS: 86 nuove immagini, reali o fake?
In rete, già da diversi months, many turn images of Google Chrome OS most of which "touched up", edited or created with Photoshop. Chrome on OS are you information but at the time, an official about the release date, no one knows anything yet.
The only information leaked and circulated on the internet talking about Chrome as an OS operating system enough cloud from the famous Google Chrome browser from which it inherits most of the features and functionality.
Other reliable information, and that Google has also spoken about the netbook market. Even the presentation of Google Chrome OS, November 2009, Google said that its OS, OS just Chrome, there will be more on the small computer (netbook).
Added to this is also a possible trablet (of which there are of news and pictures ).

But we are now, what are the latest images of Google Chrome OS? Network, the site Chrome Story, appeared in 86 new images of mock-or at least defined as possible clues that may lead us to discover how the graphics will be real Chrome OS. Without
mince words eccovi alcune  immagini di Google Chrome OS .
Immagini di Google Chrome OS : web app ed impostazioni sistema.
Se volete visualizzare l’intero album, basta  cliccare sull’immagine sottostante .
Immagini di Google Chrome OS – album completo
Ricordo a tutti che una delle novità maggioritarie presenti su Chrome OS riguada il nuovo “negozio virtuale” Google called Chrome Web Store (which I have mentioned something in this article ). If you know other
maybe mockup or other images of Google Chrome OS, insert a comment.

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