Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pc Dvd And Blue Ray Recorders

Christmas allergy risk, because of trees and decorations

Polvere e muffe accumulate nei ripostigli contaminano stelle comete, palle colorate e muschio. E provocano crisi allergiche e asma
9 DIC – Anche a Natale l’allergia si può far sentire. Colpa dell’albero (finto o vero che sia), del presepe e di gran parte dei tipici addobbi natalizi, che scatenano dermatiti da contatto, rinite allergica o asma in un italiano su quattro. Parola di uno specialista come il professor Giampiero Patriarca, ex direttore del Servizio di allergologia del Policlinico Gemelli dell'Università Cattolica di Roma.

“Già quando si aprono le scatole, retained for a full year in the basement or the attic, containing huts, comets, colorful balls, it inevitably raises the dust you come in contact with molds born in the manger and moss that are allergic to the first risk factor warns Patriarch. It should therefore be cautious, leaving everything for some 'fresh air, before handling.
bring into the crisis, there are also allergic to plastics which are made with the fake trees or decorations, responsible for eczema or dermatitis. But the resins impregnating the bark of trees can cause true allergic contact. Potential vehicles even the traditional Christmas Stars: "The euphorbia pulcherrima, the real name of the plant is impregnated with a milky substance that can trigger allergies and respiratory contact. The plant in fact due to cross-react with latex rubber: all those who have this type of allergy can not tolerate even the Star of Christmas. " So be careful also to Benjamin Ficus, which contains the same irritant.


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