Thursday, December 16, 2010

How Long Is A Concert

point the finger at Congress on endocrine disrupters: attention to environmental pollution

Oggi emerge sempre più chiaramente la necessità di coinvolgere l’endocrinologo nella gestione di importanti malattie metaboliche e cardiovascolari, che richiedono un serio approccio multidisciplinare, con particolare riguardo alla prevenzione del rischio cardio-vascolare.   I principali fattori di rischio cardio-vascolare (ipertensione arteriosa, obesità, diabete mellito, aumento del colesterolo e dei trigliceridi circolanti) e numerosi eventi cardio–vascolari come l’infarto del miocardio o l’ictus cerebrale, sono determinati o aggravati in moltissimi casi of endocrine dysfunction.
Endocrine disrupters: spread in the environment with increasingly specific categories of chemicals or natural products that interfere in the balance of sex hormones and to determine adverse effects at various levels of health living beings. One of the most serious and unpredictable consequences of this phenomenon is the potential interference of these substances, as defined "endocrine disruptors" (ED) , the endocrine system and reproductive capacity, both in animals and humans. Once disposed of properly, these compounds do not degrade and penetrate the body through the skin, mucous membranes, respiratory or oral. "Even if they were born with different purposes - said Dr. Garofalo - as additives in plastics, pesticides, pesticides, etc., by chance have the ability to block the action of hormones, particularly androgens, once in body ". "Endocrine disruptors - added Dr. Garofalo - act during sexual development begins in the womb and ends in his early twenties, with phases more or less intense. Counteract the action of sex hormones, slowing the whole process of development and also influence sexual behavior. The endocrine disruptors also act as mutagens, are, that is, able to change the DNA or its expression , whose most dynamic, the epigenome is continuously induced, modulated and transformed environment.
constantly expose our DNA to a growing environmental impact, especially heavy metals, ultrafine particles, aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene, dioxins, known as endocrine disruptors in the long run shapes the epigenome and creates the basis for determining those genetic changes that then cause certain types of cancer. Prevention, therefore, plays a key role : first one should have more attention to 'environmental pollution, especially in cities, on the other you should limit the exposure of pregnant mothers, especially to protect the quality of life and stance (epi) genomic future generations. "
source: liquidarea


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