Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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New year, new resolutions to take care of yourself and spend a more years in good health. Prof. Tirelli, Director, Department of Medical Oncology National Cancer Institute Aviano, suggests the Decalogue of the good health that has developed for 2011

1) Do not smoke or if you smoke, stop immediately. 2) Do not abuse alcohol: a few glasses of wine a day with meals can 'even do, but never drink without food, except in exceptional circumstances (holidays, etc.)..
Attention alcohol and spirits young and in the very young. 3) Maintain proper weight: controlling the power supply (meat and less fat and more fruits and vegetables) by recourse to ' activities physical (if you're young and playing sports or attending a gym, or walk briskly for half an hour every other day may be sufficient). 4) Be careful at the wheel: Do not drink before driving, slow down ', do not use mobile phones without hands-free headset if possible, and still be courteous to other drivers and respectful of pedestrians and cyclists. 5) If possible, leave your car at home and walk or ride a bicycle: it decreases the pollution (which is mainly due to exhaust gases) and at the same time you activities physical . 6) Do not exceed in exposure to sunlight or artificial systems that predispose to cancer of the skin (also potentially fatal as the melanoma ).

7) If you have persistent abnormalities - such as persistent cough, altered voice, trouble breathing, heart beating irregularly and frequently, fever, unexplained weight loss, unexplained bleeding in the mouth or the genital tract or rectum, skin nodules as in that change color or bleeding or that give only itch - go to your doctor.

8) Depending on your age, it is desirable to screening for early detection and prevention of cancer of the uterus, breast, colorectal, prostate.
If you have close relatives (parents, children, siblings) who developed breast cancer, colorectal and prostate, there is an increased risk of developing these cancers and may need to take surveys and more sophisticated screening earlier. 9) Monitor the cardiovascular risk by controlling blood pressure, cholesterol, among others, as well as their eating habits, weight, family risk, etc.., Consult your doctor and possibly the cardiologist.
10) Pay attention to diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact - which are by no means disappeared, but there is growth - taking on its own ethical and religious principles, the following measures: abstinence (especially in young), and stable relations faithful to one partner or alternatively the use of condoms.

sources: asca


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