Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lung Cancer Or A Bad Cold

Beware of poinsettia

The poinsettia may be hidden dangers because it can cause itching, rash or sore eyes when it comes into contact with the skin, erupting in a real allergic conjunctivitis.

This is because if you tear a leaf or the stem is cut, the inside contains a substance that can be dangerous.
It was found that 30% of poisoning from plants in the winter months is due from this little plant but also from mistletoe, holly and red berries of holly, with a different toxicity confer different clinical pictures: you start with simple irritating until you get to real gastrointestinal problems.

The Christmas star turns out to be toxic because of triterpene , a poisonous substance that is contained all’interno di alcune parti della pianta.
Questa sostanza che fuoriesce dalla pianta se vengono tagliate le foglie o il fusto, risulta essere pericolosa nel momento in cui entra in contatto con l’epidermide e gli occhi.
E’ molto importante quindi tenere la pianta lontana dalla portata dei bambini e, in caso di intossicazione è necessario posizionare la parte che ne è entrata in contatto, sotto l’acqua corrente per alcuni minuti e poi proteggerla con un panno asciutto, dopodiché è importante rivolgersi al proprio medico.
Quindi in questo periodo di festività è importante fare attenzione non soltanto to possible food poisoning (such as salmonella or ciguatera), but also in contact with plants that can cause skin irritation for they will not be ruined holidays.

Lung Cancer Or A Bad Cold

Beware of poinsettia

The poinsettia may be hidden dangers because it can cause itching, rash or sore eyes when it comes into contact with the skin, erupting in a real allergic conjunctivitis.

This is because if you tear a leaf or the stem is cut, the inside contains a substance that can be dangerous.
It was found that 30% of poisoning from plants in the winter months is due from this little plant but also from mistletoe, holly and red berries of holly, with a different toxicity confer different clinical pictures: you start with simple irritating until you get to real gastrointestinal problems.

The Christmas star turns out to be toxic because of triterpene , a poisonous substance that is contained all’interno di alcune parti della pianta.
Questa sostanza che fuoriesce dalla pianta se vengono tagliate le foglie o il fusto, risulta essere pericolosa nel momento in cui entra in contatto con l’epidermide e gli occhi.
E’ molto importante quindi tenere la pianta lontana dalla portata dei bambini e, in caso di intossicazione è necessario posizionare la parte che ne è entrata in contatto, sotto l’acqua corrente per alcuni minuti e poi proteggerla con un panno asciutto, dopodiché è importante rivolgersi al proprio medico.
Quindi in questo periodo di festività è importante fare attenzione non soltanto to possible food poisoning (such as salmonella or ciguatera), but also in contact with plants that can cause skin irritation for they will not be ruined holidays.

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New year, new resolutions to take care of yourself and spend a more years in good health. Prof. Tirelli, Director, Department of Medical Oncology National Cancer Institute Aviano, suggests the Decalogue of the good health that has developed for 2011

1) Do not smoke or if you smoke, stop immediately. 2) Do not abuse alcohol: a few glasses of wine a day with meals can 'even do, but never drink without food, except in exceptional circumstances (holidays, etc.)..
Attention alcohol and spirits young and in the very young. 3) Maintain proper weight: controlling the power supply (meat and less fat and more fruits and vegetables) by recourse to ' activities physical (if you're young and playing sports or attending a gym, or walk briskly for half an hour every other day may be sufficient). 4) Be careful at the wheel: Do not drink before driving, slow down ', do not use mobile phones without hands-free headset if possible, and still be courteous to other drivers and respectful of pedestrians and cyclists. 5) If possible, leave your car at home and walk or ride a bicycle: it decreases the pollution (which is mainly due to exhaust gases) and at the same time you activities physical . 6) Do not exceed in exposure to sunlight or artificial systems that predispose to cancer of the skin (also potentially fatal as the melanoma ).

7) If you have persistent abnormalities - such as persistent cough, altered voice, trouble breathing, heart beating irregularly and frequently, fever, unexplained weight loss, unexplained bleeding in the mouth or the genital tract or rectum, skin nodules as in that change color or bleeding or that give only itch - go to your doctor.

8) Depending on your age, it is desirable to screening for early detection and prevention of cancer of the uterus, breast, colorectal, prostate.
If you have close relatives (parents, children, siblings) who developed breast cancer, colorectal and prostate, there is an increased risk of developing these cancers and may need to take surveys and more sophisticated screening earlier. 9) Monitor the cardiovascular risk by controlling blood pressure, cholesterol, among others, as well as their eating habits, weight, family risk, etc.., Consult your doctor and possibly the cardiologist.
10) Pay attention to diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact - which are by no means disappeared, but there is growth - taking on its own ethical and religious principles, the following measures: abstinence (especially in young), and stable relations faithful to one partner or alternatively the use of condoms.

sources: asca

Hairstyle Jobs Brampton


New year, new resolutions to take care of yourself and spend a more years in good health. Prof. Tirelli, Director, Department of Medical Oncology National Cancer Institute Aviano, suggests the Decalogue of the good health that has developed for 2011

1) Do not smoke or if you smoke, stop immediately. 2) Do not abuse alcohol: a few glasses of wine a day with meals can 'even do, but never drink without food, except in exceptional circumstances (holidays, etc.)..
Attention alcohol and spirits young and in the very young. 3) Maintain proper weight: controlling the power supply (meat and less fat and more fruits and vegetables) by recourse to ' activities physical (if you're young and playing sports or attending a gym, or walk briskly for half an hour every other day may be sufficient). 4) Be careful at the wheel: Do not drink before driving, slow down ', do not use mobile phones without hands-free headset if possible, and still be courteous to other drivers and respectful of pedestrians and cyclists. 5) If possible, leave your car at home and walk or ride a bicycle: it decreases the pollution (which is mainly due to exhaust gases) and at the same time you activities physical . 6) Do not exceed in exposure to sunlight or artificial systems that predispose to cancer of the skin (also potentially fatal as the melanoma ).

7) If you have persistent abnormalities - such as persistent cough, altered voice, trouble breathing, heart beating irregularly and frequently, fever, unexplained weight loss, unexplained bleeding in the mouth or the genital tract or rectum, skin nodules as in that change color or bleeding or that give only itch - go to your doctor.

8) Depending on your age, it is desirable to screening for early detection and prevention of cancer of the uterus, breast, colorectal, prostate.
If you have close relatives (parents, children, siblings) who developed breast cancer, colorectal and prostate, there is an increased risk of developing these cancers and may need to take surveys and more sophisticated screening earlier. 9) Monitor the cardiovascular risk by controlling blood pressure, cholesterol, among others, as well as their eating habits, weight, family risk, etc.., Consult your doctor and possibly the cardiologist.
10) Pay attention to diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact - which are by no means disappeared, but there is growth - taking on its own ethical and religious principles, the following measures: abstinence (especially in young), and stable relations faithful to one partner or alternatively the use of condoms.

sources: asca

Pc Dvd And Blue Ray Recorders

Christmas allergy risk, because of trees and decorations

Polvere e muffe accumulate nei ripostigli contaminano stelle comete, palle colorate e muschio. E provocano crisi allergiche e asma
9 DIC – Anche a Natale l’allergia si può far sentire. Colpa dell’albero (finto o vero che sia), del presepe e di gran parte dei tipici addobbi natalizi, che scatenano dermatiti da contatto, rinite allergica o asma in un italiano su quattro. Parola di uno specialista come il professor Giampiero Patriarca, ex direttore del Servizio di allergologia del Policlinico Gemelli dell'Università Cattolica di Roma.

“Già quando si aprono le scatole, retained for a full year in the basement or the attic, containing huts, comets, colorful balls, it inevitably raises the dust you come in contact with molds born in the manger and moss that are allergic to the first risk factor warns Patriarch. It should therefore be cautious, leaving everything for some 'fresh air, before handling.
bring into the crisis, there are also allergic to plastics which are made with the fake trees or decorations, responsible for eczema or dermatitis. But the resins impregnating the bark of trees can cause true allergic contact. Potential vehicles even the traditional Christmas Stars: "The euphorbia pulcherrima, the real name of the plant is impregnated with a milky substance that can trigger allergies and respiratory contact. The plant in fact due to cross-react with latex rubber: all those who have this type of allergy can not tolerate even the Star of Christmas. " So be careful also to Benjamin Ficus, which contains the same irritant.

Pc Dvd And Blue Ray Recorders

Christmas allergy risk, because of trees and decorations

Polvere e muffe accumulate nei ripostigli contaminano stelle comete, palle colorate e muschio. E provocano crisi allergiche e asma
9 DIC – Anche a Natale l’allergia si può far sentire. Colpa dell’albero (finto o vero che sia), del presepe e di gran parte dei tipici addobbi natalizi, che scatenano dermatiti da contatto, rinite allergica o asma in un italiano su quattro. Parola di uno specialista come il professor Giampiero Patriarca, ex direttore del Servizio di allergologia del Policlinico Gemelli dell'Università Cattolica di Roma.

“Già quando si aprono le scatole, retained for a full year in the basement or the attic, containing huts, comets, colorful balls, it inevitably raises the dust you come in contact with molds born in the manger and moss that are allergic to the first risk factor warns Patriarch. It should therefore be cautious, leaving everything for some 'fresh air, before handling.
bring into the crisis, there are also allergic to plastics which are made with the fake trees or decorations, responsible for eczema or dermatitis. But the resins impregnating the bark of trees can cause true allergic contact. Potential vehicles even the traditional Christmas Stars: "The euphorbia pulcherrima, the real name of the plant is impregnated with a milky substance that can trigger allergies and respiratory contact. The plant in fact due to cross-react with latex rubber: all those who have this type of allergy can not tolerate even the Star of Christmas. " So be careful also to Benjamin Ficus, which contains the same irritant.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Easton Your Sv12 Bat Review

Scientists warn users of ski fields on the dangers of wax

The wax may expose users to perfluorochemicals (PFC) that accumulate in the body and can lead to serious risks to health: cardiovascular disease, liver damage, hormonal disorders and cancer.
Two new studies, conducted in Sweden and in Norway and published in September found that the technicians who worked with the wax for the teams competing in World Cup skiing, had very high levels of PFCs in the blood . Their levels of the compound perfluorooctanoic acid or PFOA, were up to 45 times higher than the average. The second compound with the highest values \u200b\u200bwas perfluorononanoico acid (PFNA), a common contaminant in wildlife that is now rising in humans.
Source: Environmental Health News
see also DETOX Campaign

Easton Your Sv12 Bat Review

Scientists warn users of ski fields on the dangers of wax

The wax may expose users to perfluorochemicals (PFC) that accumulate in the body and can lead to serious risks to health: cardiovascular disease, liver damage, hormonal disorders and cancer.
Two new studies, conducted in Sweden and in Norway and published in September found that the technicians who worked with the wax for the teams competing in World Cup skiing, had very high levels of PFCs in the blood . Their levels of the compound perfluorooctanoic acid or PFOA, were up to 45 times higher than the average. The second compound with the highest values \u200b\u200bwas perfluorononanoico acid (PFNA), a common contaminant in wildlife that is now rising in humans.
Source: Environmental Health News
see also DETOX Campaign

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Can My Bearded Dragon Eat A Mouse

laudable initiative of the City of Pistoia: water quality on tap

The municipality of Pistoia gave details of the service water Quality on tap, delivered by three public drinking fountains installed last December. The numbers show that the initiative is liked by the citizens, four million liters of drinking water collected in one year, 933 tons less plastic waste to be treated (corresponding to more than 2 million and 600 thousand bottles of a liter and a half) and a reduction of CO2 emissions equivalent to 214 tonnes.
Source: greenreport
Photo: blog.rodigarganico

Can My Bearded Dragon Eat A Mouse

laudable initiative of the City of Pistoia: water quality on tap

The municipality of Pistoia gave details of the service water Quality on tap, delivered by three public drinking fountains installed last December. The numbers show that the initiative is liked by the citizens, four million liters of drinking water collected in one year, 933 tons less plastic waste to be treated (corresponding to more than 2 million and 600 thousand bottles of a liter and a half) and a reduction of CO2 emissions equivalent to 214 tonnes.
Source: greenreport
Photo: blog.rodigarganico

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How To Wear Tie With Untucked Shirt

The EU states which are "active substances that can not be used in biocidal products'

The measure approved 'forbids substances that can cause cancer, mutations or fertility problems, as well as chemicals that act as disrupters endocrinologists' That is persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic. "Going beyond the Commission proposal, the Council also banned products harmful to the environment.
Regulation EU refers to many articles that contain pesticides, such as sleeping bags, sofas and socks anti-odor treated with biocides that can not be treated with chemicals are not allowed and will be labeled for consumer safety.
"These obligations apply to all articles treated with biocides that are on the EU market, including imported items."
source: greenreport

How To Wear Tie With Untucked Shirt

The EU states which are "active substances that can not be used in biocidal products'

The measure approved 'forbids substances that can cause cancer, mutations or fertility problems, as well as chemicals that act as disrupters endocrinologists' That is persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic. "Going beyond the Commission proposal, the Council also banned products harmful to the environment.
Regulation EU refers to many articles that contain pesticides, such as sleeping bags, sofas and socks anti-odor treated with biocides that can not be treated with chemicals are not allowed and will be labeled for consumer safety.
"These obligations apply to all articles treated with biocides that are on the EU market, including imported items."
source: greenreport

Monday, December 20, 2010

Green Tile And Wood Table

Explore the human body with Body

Google Browser Body is a 3D anatomical atlas made daGoogle and is among the new projects in progress Google Labs (The site where many products are offered not yet final company). The operating principle is exactly like Google Earth, but instead of exploring the planet Earth in three dimensions, you can navigate inside the human body from skin surfaces from inside the bones, going over the ' circulatory and nervous system. What makes it extraordinary is the maximum precision in every detail and a high-definition resolution.
Body To access the Google Chrome Browser must be installed or a browser that supports HTML 5 and WebGL , such as Firefox 4 beta. The images were provided from Zygote Media Group, which specializes in three-dimensional data, also used in the film industry, gaming and healthcare organizations.

Currently only explored the female body, it will soon be available to men, making the application a useful tool for educational and informative.

The founder of Google, Larry Page, has always claimed that one of the major tasks of its search engine is to give detailed information on health. The second most clicked on online word "heart" of course in different languages 80% of surfers seeking health information routinely. In addition, 29% of boys aged between 19 and 29 years usanointernet from your mobile phone even for news related to health.

Related news:

Green Tile And Wood Table

Explore the human body with Body

Google Browser Body is a 3D anatomical atlas made daGoogle and is among the new projects in progress Google Labs (The site where many products are offered not yet final company). The operating principle is exactly like Google Earth, but instead of exploring the planet Earth in three dimensions, you can navigate inside the human body from skin surfaces from inside the bones, going over the ' circulatory and nervous system. What makes it extraordinary is the maximum precision in every detail and a high-definition resolution.
Body To access the Google Chrome Browser must be installed or a browser that supports HTML 5 and WebGL , such as Firefox 4 beta. The images were provided from Zygote Media Group, which specializes in three-dimensional data, also used in the film industry, gaming and healthcare organizations.

Currently only explored the female body, it will soon be available to men, making the application a useful tool for educational and informative.

The founder of Google, Larry Page, has always claimed that one of the major tasks of its search engine is to give detailed information on health. The second most clicked on online word "heart" of course in different languages 80% of surfers seeking health information routinely. In addition, 29% of boys aged between 19 and 29 years usanointernet from your mobile phone even for news related to health.

Related news:

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Can You Put Egg Crate Foam In Washer

LEDs are not as environmentally friendly as it seems

In fact, the environmental impact of Light-Emitting Diode (LED) is high and, because of their toxicity, should be classified as waste dangerous.
Since last long, they generate little heat and do not contain mercury, the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) appear as the ideal source of light green. But a study by researchers at the University of California, notes that California's standards, the LEDs used for small products such as Christmas lights, traffic signals, and remote controls should be classified as hazardous waste .

Julie Schoenung materials engineer and his colleagues have led the subject of nine colors for leaching tests using the Environmental Protection Agency of California determine whether a product is dangerous. The researchers sprayed the LED's and mixed the powder with acid to represent the chemical conditions that meet the LEDs in a landfill. Using mass spectrometry, they measured the amount of metal off of the reaction.

Only one LED, the red one, has failed the Federal test that uses acetic acid resulted in an unacceptable level of lead. Eight out of nine of the diodes have recorded high levels of copper, lead, nickel, silver, using the most stringent standards of California involving nitric acid. Researchers have observed the metal portion of the semiconductor dei LED come gallio e indio, che non hanno stabilito limiti di soglia regolamentare.

 Schoenung dice che questi prodotti vanno smaltiti con precauzione per i loro componenti pericolosi. "Le aziende dovrebbero cercare di sostituire questi componenti tossici o predisporre il recupero e la riciclabilità per i loro prodotti."

Megan Schwarzmann , un medico e ricercatore della sanità pubblica presso la University of California, Berkeley , dice che le nuove scoperte non indicano un pericolo per i consumatori durante l'uso del prodotto. Ma  dice che lo studio sottolinea la necessità di considerare il ciclo di vita completo del prodotto.

fonte:  Chemical & Engineering News

Can You Put Egg Crate Foam In Washer

LEDs are not as environmentally friendly as it seems

In fact, the environmental impact of Light-Emitting Diode (LED) is high and, because of their toxicity, should be classified as waste dangerous.
Since last long, they generate little heat and do not contain mercury, the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) appear as the ideal source of light green. But a study by researchers at the University of California, notes that California's standards, the LEDs used for small products such as Christmas lights, traffic signals, and remote controls should be classified as hazardous waste .

Julie Schoenung materials engineer and his colleagues have led the subject of nine colors for leaching tests using the Environmental Protection Agency of California determine whether a product is dangerous. The researchers sprayed the LED's and mixed the powder with acid to represent the chemical conditions that meet the LEDs in a landfill. Using mass spectrometry, they measured the amount of metal off of the reaction.

Only one LED, the red one, has failed the Federal test that uses acetic acid resulted in an unacceptable level of lead. Eight out of nine of the diodes have recorded high levels of copper, lead, nickel, silver, using the most stringent standards of California involving nitric acid. Researchers have observed the metal portion of the semiconductor dei LED come gallio e indio, che non hanno stabilito limiti di soglia regolamentare.

 Schoenung dice che questi prodotti vanno smaltiti con precauzione per i loro componenti pericolosi. "Le aziende dovrebbero cercare di sostituire questi componenti tossici o predisporre il recupero e la riciclabilità per i loro prodotti."

Megan Schwarzmann , un medico e ricercatore della sanità pubblica presso la University of California, Berkeley , dice che le nuove scoperte non indicano un pericolo per i consumatori durante l'uso del prodotto. Ma  dice che lo studio sottolinea la necessità di considerare il ciclo di vita completo del prodotto.

fonte:  Chemical & Engineering News

Mirena Coil Depression 09

Deficit attention hyperactivity disorder: the search explores the influence of environmental factors. The endocrinologists

Although much research on attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were based on neuropsychological factors, neuroanatomical, neurochemical and genetic basis, we are still far from fully understanding its etiology. Since it is impossible to explain ADHD, based purely genetic, has intensified the interest in the influence of environmental factors, including exposure to chemical contaminants. To date, most studies on this topic focuses on only two agents pollutants, lead and PCBs, although it is beginning to be considered the potential impact of other chemicals. Our hope is that the evidence of the similarities between the effects of these contaminants and neurobehavioral deficits observed in children with ADHD will strengthen our research on the influence of environmental chemical exposures on attention disorder / hyperactivity.

You need a better understanding of their role on ' ADHD and other neurological disorders development, and this knowledge could be useful in the search for other environmental agents such as brominated flame retardants, bisphenol A, phthalates, organophosphate pesticides and chemicals perfluorinated that recent research has indicated as possible factors associated with disorders of attention / hyperactivity .

Mirena Coil Depression 09

Deficit attention hyperactivity disorder: the search explores the influence of environmental factors. The endocrinologists

Although much research on attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were based on neuropsychological factors, neuroanatomical, neurochemical and genetic basis, we are still far from fully understanding its etiology. Since it is impossible to explain ADHD, based purely genetic, has intensified the interest in the influence of environmental factors, including exposure to chemical contaminants. To date, most studies on this topic focuses on only two agents pollutants, lead and PCBs, although it is beginning to be considered the potential impact of other chemicals. Our hope is that the evidence of the similarities between the effects of these contaminants and neurobehavioral deficits observed in children with ADHD will strengthen our research on the influence of environmental chemical exposures on attention disorder / hyperactivity.

You need a better understanding of their role on ' ADHD and other neurological disorders development, and this knowledge could be useful in the search for other environmental agents such as brominated flame retardants, bisphenol A, phthalates, organophosphate pesticides and chemicals perfluorinated that recent research has indicated as possible factors associated with disorders of attention / hyperactivity .

Thursday, December 16, 2010

How Long Is A Concert

point the finger at Congress on endocrine disrupters: attention to environmental pollution

Oggi emerge sempre più chiaramente la necessità di coinvolgere l’endocrinologo nella gestione di importanti malattie metaboliche e cardiovascolari, che richiedono un serio approccio multidisciplinare, con particolare riguardo alla prevenzione del rischio cardio-vascolare.   I principali fattori di rischio cardio-vascolare (ipertensione arteriosa, obesità, diabete mellito, aumento del colesterolo e dei trigliceridi circolanti) e numerosi eventi cardio–vascolari come l’infarto del miocardio o l’ictus cerebrale, sono determinati o aggravati in moltissimi casi of endocrine dysfunction.
Endocrine disrupters: spread in the environment with increasingly specific categories of chemicals or natural products that interfere in the balance of sex hormones and to determine adverse effects at various levels of health living beings. One of the most serious and unpredictable consequences of this phenomenon is the potential interference of these substances, as defined "endocrine disruptors" (ED) , the endocrine system and reproductive capacity, both in animals and humans. Once disposed of properly, these compounds do not degrade and penetrate the body through the skin, mucous membranes, respiratory or oral. "Even if they were born with different purposes - said Dr. Garofalo - as additives in plastics, pesticides, pesticides, etc., by chance have the ability to block the action of hormones, particularly androgens, once in body ". "Endocrine disruptors - added Dr. Garofalo - act during sexual development begins in the womb and ends in his early twenties, with phases more or less intense. Counteract the action of sex hormones, slowing the whole process of development and also influence sexual behavior. The endocrine disruptors also act as mutagens, are, that is, able to change the DNA or its expression , whose most dynamic, the epigenome is continuously induced, modulated and transformed environment.
constantly expose our DNA to a growing environmental impact, especially heavy metals, ultrafine particles, aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene, dioxins, known as endocrine disruptors in the long run shapes the epigenome and creates the basis for determining those genetic changes that then cause certain types of cancer. Prevention, therefore, plays a key role : first one should have more attention to 'environmental pollution, especially in cities, on the other you should limit the exposure of pregnant mothers, especially to protect the quality of life and stance (epi) genomic future generations. "
source: liquidarea

How Long Is A Concert

point the finger at Congress on endocrine disrupters: attention to environmental pollution

Oggi emerge sempre più chiaramente la necessità di coinvolgere l’endocrinologo nella gestione di importanti malattie metaboliche e cardiovascolari, che richiedono un serio approccio multidisciplinare, con particolare riguardo alla prevenzione del rischio cardio-vascolare.   I principali fattori di rischio cardio-vascolare (ipertensione arteriosa, obesità, diabete mellito, aumento del colesterolo e dei trigliceridi circolanti) e numerosi eventi cardio–vascolari come l’infarto del miocardio o l’ictus cerebrale, sono determinati o aggravati in moltissimi casi of endocrine dysfunction.
Endocrine disrupters: spread in the environment with increasingly specific categories of chemicals or natural products that interfere in the balance of sex hormones and to determine adverse effects at various levels of health living beings. One of the most serious and unpredictable consequences of this phenomenon is the potential interference of these substances, as defined "endocrine disruptors" (ED) , the endocrine system and reproductive capacity, both in animals and humans. Once disposed of properly, these compounds do not degrade and penetrate the body through the skin, mucous membranes, respiratory or oral. "Even if they were born with different purposes - said Dr. Garofalo - as additives in plastics, pesticides, pesticides, etc., by chance have the ability to block the action of hormones, particularly androgens, once in body ". "Endocrine disruptors - added Dr. Garofalo - act during sexual development begins in the womb and ends in his early twenties, with phases more or less intense. Counteract the action of sex hormones, slowing the whole process of development and also influence sexual behavior. The endocrine disruptors also act as mutagens, are, that is, able to change the DNA or its expression , whose most dynamic, the epigenome is continuously induced, modulated and transformed environment.
constantly expose our DNA to a growing environmental impact, especially heavy metals, ultrafine particles, aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene, dioxins, known as endocrine disruptors in the long run shapes the epigenome and creates the basis for determining those genetic changes that then cause certain types of cancer. Prevention, therefore, plays a key role : first one should have more attention to 'environmental pollution, especially in cities, on the other you should limit the exposure of pregnant mothers, especially to protect the quality of life and stance (epi) genomic future generations. "
source: liquidarea