Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bible Versesgraduation

One in three Italian allergic to detergents

Detergents and cleaning the house, causing allergies and irritations ad un italiano su tre

Irritazioni,  congiuntivite ,  prurito  e  asma : sono i principali  sintomi   che si manifestano nelle persone particolarmente sensibili ad alcuni tipi di  prodotti per l’igiene della casa .

Il problema interessa  un terzo degli italiani , soprattutto  donne , e i più a rischio sono i soggetti con una  predisposizione allergica  e gli asmatici.
Ma quali sono le  sostanze più aggressive  e irritanti? Lo spiega Domenico Schiavino  direttore della Scuola di specializzazione dell'Istituto di allergologia del  Policlinico Gemelli di Roma : le sostanze usate per dare una certa  profumazione al prodotto , ad esempio, possono provocare problemi di  broncocostrizione  a soggetti asmatici; le molecole contenute nella  candeggina  che, anche a causa del suo caratteristico and persistent odor, can cause some breathing difficulties , the precious metals contained in some products powder (which may be a problem especially for those who already suffer from a ' allergy to nickel , cobalt and chromium). That
nickel, for example, is an allergy growing in our country: the data show that 32% of patients suffering from allergies, compared with 20% of the average European and 10% of Denmark .
The reason for this increase of ' incidence of nickel allergy is to be found, say the experts, especially in ' environment in which a person grows and lives regularly, but also to increasingly entrenched habits, as the prolonged use of earrings or piercing causing a hyper-sensitivity to nickel.
But also allergic to cobalt are on the rise - it is estimated that this disorder affects the 10% of people who come to the allergology centers - and asthma (representing 10% of allergic patients) mainly due to the ' inhalation of detergents and odor particularly intense (such as muriatic acid ol'ammoniaca).
On the other hand we have witnessed in recent years, a exponential increase in the number of products for household cleaning.
thousand fragrances and dozens of increasingly specific functions . Environmentalists, however, suggest to take a step back: choose only two or three products that are effective for all types of cleaning and, where possible, opt for biodegradable and environmentally friendly. A will also enjoy the planet.


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