Friday, January 1, 2010

How To Fix Broken Hair And Split Ends

Audio upgrades and working memory

Mieris, Jan van (1660-1690) - A Woman Playing Harp

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Belt May

by: Regarding my 1998 talk

Every year we gain new customers who do not can obviously get to know the "Belt Story", which began in the early 80's.

Many others, with us for as long a time, instead have a full understanding of the effect of our products and our techniques on the quality of sound reproduction.

I'll try to explain:

audio enthusiasts often have a different opinion and a different yardstick of what should or should be considered "good" in terms of sound quality.

It 's always a lively interest in trying to get better through certain techniques and tweaking. It

test, experiment, and often are unable to get a better result apparently.
If the result of departure had already judged "good", the new level would suggest to use the term logically "Excellent."

But if you were to go back removing or modifying the application of the accessory that has led to an improved, it would be difficult to continue to use the term "good" listening again to the previous result will appear much worse than we had thought of have been stored previously.

Many of our customers are not accustomed to this situation and, after obtaining improvements, remain perplexed as a mediocre experience in what previously believed was "good."

few years ago (1998) during a conference with a group of customers and fans of philosophy PCB, I thought it appropriate to explain the concept through a particular experience really happened.

It 'necessary to establish the exact chronology of the episode at length to explain the concept in a comprehensive manner.

The story begins with a visit to the laboratory of a famous audio manufacturer.

The engineer had heard about the techniques of Peter (Peter W. Belt) and was interested to know.

Assume then thirteen hours as the beginning of this story.

The engineer performing his listening tests in an environment where computers were placed in one side and various measuring devices in a while 'other was housed in a space where the listening tests were carried out, a situation common to many research laboratories and design audio components.

was therefore decided to perform in this environment, one where it usually does most of the listening tests, demonstration of applications and techniques of Peter.

The first listening impressions revealed a mediocre sound quality, the sound was dull, slow and compressed, so we asked to increase the volume in an attempt to make it look more exciting.

The engineer of course agreed, but not before talking to pointed out that increasing the level of the music would become tiresome to listen to and that the sound would become intrinsically harsh and aggressive.

fact this was what happened.

When something happens, instinctively apppassionati blame to the various equipment, those who at the source to the amplifier and cables those who, of course, to its environment.

Even then blamed the engineer some details of the audio chain as a cause of bad results.

Peter accomplished at this point some processing on computers, measurement equipment and other objects in the room.

at 13.15, after results, it was listened to the system. All

commented positively the result and the sound quality was described as "better."

Peter, at this point, he made of new treatments on the electrical apparatus in operation and other objects in the environment and, at 13.30 with a new listening test, the new result was verified.

All in agreement, considering the result as "excellent", and discovered, in consequence, which could increase the volume as you like without the sound became harsh and aggressive and that the music is intrusive.

Now this happens often to many of our customers are amazed how, after using our techniques, can bring up the volume without the sound from becoming aggressive and confusing, despite a few moments before the result had seemed to be still "good". I receive many

requests for information on this aspect that is most amazing is the element after the application of the treatments and the consequent production of a superior sound quality.

What fans are almost never in their trials in comparison, is to repeat not, go back after that is obtained by any technique, improved the quality of listening.

And you wonder why for so long they thought it was the source, it was the cables, which were the speakers that the amp was an environmental problem or the cause of the bad result, and why, without having changed nothing, the sound is more harsh and aggressive.

They just simply say, simply, is incredible!

Peter makes other treatments at 13.45 and after further listening test finally judged "excellent" result.

At this point Peter decides to remove some treatments and, at 14, listened to the result: the sound seemed much worse and it was necessary to reduce the volume of listening because the music was again confused and uncomfortable.

these marvels not just the engineer who told us his concerns in these terms: - Peter, I do not understand, I do not like this sound, but I also realize that what I'm hearing is that a quarter of an hour ago judged excellent!

What in that session I was really surprised to see it as a chief engineer, designer and manufacturer of audio equipment, may have no idea of \u200b\u200bthe functioning of working memory (working memory).

The working memory is part of a survival mechanism and is automatically updated with the new norms and new information as and when they appear important to our brain.

During listening tests carried out, the working memory had, through the repetition of hearing after different treatments, auto-refreshing in an increasingly high standard.
The return to a previous step, although the result was so far giudicato eccellente, risultava traumatico a causa dell' acquisizione di un superiore livello di qualità e, con esso, del corrispondente aggiornamento della working memory.


Se usciamo da un'ambiente chiuso dove diverse persone fumano o hanno fumato, e passiamo ad uno meno inquinato, la sensazione tornando al precedente è quella non riuscire più ad accettare una situazione dove, appena qualche minuto prima, ci eravamo comunque adattati.

Acquisiamo, attraverso l'esperienza di un migliore vivibilità in un ambiente più pulito, l'informazione della precedente esistenza di un pericolo per la nostra salute, ed il acquired data, odor and feeling uncomfortable environment, will remain in our memory as a caveat in the case we presented a similar situation again.

The acquisition of better sound quality, especially if followed by an addiction to the long term, actually creates a new reference to our perceptual system, and in relation to this future information will be evaluated and judged that we will reach from future musical stimuli.

Only if these stimuli are consistent and coincide with what we have stored as a standard of quality, we will acquire them and judge them positively.

I tend to use the term "exceptional" when the quality event exceed the level of our quality acquired, and is intuitive to deduce the variability of subjective value judgments not only in terms of taste but of the existing quality standards, obviously different from person to person.

Focus on the pleasure of listening, very easy in the early acquired in the absence of quality standards, will now be difficult for the listener evolved, due to the physiological inability not to recognize or ignore the flaws that come to the fore in his ear.
The resulting split of the attention, the music is the technique that will prevent as a result, a relaxed and full enjoyment of the sensory messaggio musicale.


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