Sunday, February 15, 2009

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Magica tecnologia

What is the dividing line between technology and magic?
There is a real difference?
The first answer will be: Of course there is a difference!
Magic is based on the existence of a non-physical world, while the technology is based on the progress and discoveries of science!
But the more one reflects on this apparent dichotomy, the more one realizes that there is a clear separation between the two materials.
The only real definition of magic (before the age of technology), was to force a process of divination based on the mystery surrounding the event. Often
magic was identified in a potion, just magical, as composed of mysterious and imaginative ingredients capable of producing energy would be impossible to obtain.
But what's the difference with what we now call medicine, whose product, the product is created with a formula whose aim is to produce well-being and energy, as much as the old magic potion?
medicine is nothing more than the process technology becomes magic!

now consider a person who does not know the nuances of technology.
A phone does not look like a magic item?
Being able to talk to someone with a small contraption in his hand is not magic for not knowing? Every technological marvel
not appear like magic?
So is the ignorance of the cause of a phenomenon that determines the boundary between i termini magia e tecnologia.
Da ignoranti della quasi totalità dei fenomeni fisici che ci si presentano davanti ogni giorno, dovremmo chiamare magia tutto quello che si presenta ai nostri sensi e del quale non sappiamo dare una chiara ed organica spiegazione tecnica.
Non lo facciamo di fatto solo perchè qualcuno che non conosciamo ha dato una spiegazione che non conosciamo accettata da altri che non conosciamo, e sulla base di questo chiamiamo scienza ciò che per noi sarebbe in realtà, magia.


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